sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2015

Importance of a lesson plan by Leidy Sanchez

a. How important do you think a lesson plan is to a successful lesson? What features do you think a lesson plan should include?

I consider it very important make a lesson plan to meet fully the objectives that we propose for the class, the lesson plan can design activities and develop strategies to impart knowledge in an appropriate manner and contribute to learning the students. In the lesson plan we determine the context, objectives, method and methodology that we will implement, topics, resources and materials that we use are very important to make a funny and interactive class as well as strategies to check student understanding by a final evaluation.

b. Do you think it is a good idea to strictly follow a lesson plan? Why?

A lesson plan is as an aid, a base that allows us to remember the objectives, the results that we get in class and so of form organized allowing this to be effective and interesting for students, but I think it should not continue strictly, it may be that the strategies and methodologies used from becoming "boring" due to the different learning styles of students or regarding the subjects that are being taught.

c. Some people think that lesson plans severely restrict teachers’ creativity. Do you agree? Explain your answer.

I think not, the lesson plan can be developed as the teacher sees it more convenient, putting your creativity afloat, in this plan are the objectives and strategies but there are many ways to teach and everything depends on the teacher. We can use different interactive resources for learning and teaching new things that generate creativity as for teachers as students.

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